День Космонавтики. Quiz about Gagarin🚀

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International Day of Human Space Flight🚀

12 апреля международное событие -International Day of Human Space Flight🚀
Международный день полета человека в космос!!

Естественно, эта дата связана с Юрием Гагариным и его космическим триумфом!!

Устроим сегодня исторический экскурс и попрактикуемся in English!!
Возможно, Вы узнаете, что-то новое о первом землянине, побывавшем в космосе!!

12 апреля `..P.O.E.H.A.L.I..`

March 17

Did you know that Yuri Gagarin visited Great Britain on July 11-15, 1961 and met with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace?
The legendary Soviet cosmonaut really met face to face with the British Queen!
The Queen and her famous guest were satisfied with the communication. And somewhere in the archives of Elizabeth II
there is still a photo in which she and Yuri Gagarin pose in front of a camera!

Explanation for beginners learning English…
✑ Юрий Гагарин в июле 1961 года на торжественном приеме в Букингемском дворце с Елизаветой II.

✦✦ How did they organize the meeting at Buckingham Palace?? Was there a scandal??

It was a simple English lunch. Gagarin and the Queen met in the company of about 30 people.
The lunch was attended by a lot of British celebrities, plus the queen's husband and their children.
Prince Andrew, the couple's third child, was then just a baby and looked at the star guest from a stroller.
And, of course, the ruler had one of her favorite corgis. There was no scandal.
Explanation for beginners learning English…
✑Юрий и Королева в компании британских знаменитостей, членов королевской семьи,
✑младенца принца Эндрю в коляске, корги, кушали и общались. Скандала не было!!

✦✦ Did they prepare Gagarin's trip to the USA? Did Yuri Gagarin meet with US President John F. Kennedy?

In the spring-summer of 1961, Gagarin traveled to many countries: Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Finland, England, Poland, Cuba, Brazil, Canada, Hungary, etc.,
as evidenced by recently declassified documents of the Central Committee of the CPSU,
the highlight of the program was to be Gagarin's visit to the USA!!
But, Yuri Gagarin visited the United States only on October 16, 1963: there was a meeting with the UN General Secretary
and a press conference together with the first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.
Because of the political crisis, American politicians did not meet with Gagarin.
And on November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Explanation for beginners learning English…
✑Весной- летом 1961 года Гагарин объездил: Англию, Канаду, Венгрию и др. страны.
✑В США Гагарин попал только 16 октября 1963 г.. С Джоном Кеннеди встречи не было...
✑Карибский кризис 1962-го сыграл свою роль. 22 ноября 1963 г. Джоном Кеннеди был убит.

✦✦ Gagarin is a legendary world celebrity. Do you think there are monuments to Gagarin outside of Russia and the former USSR??

In 2017, a monument to Gagarin was opened in the French city of Montpellier (the first in Europe).
There are still monuments to Gagarin in the USA.
Explanation for beginners learning English…
✑Памятники Юрию Гагарину установлены во многих странах, в том числе в Европе и США.

March 17

Happy International Day of Human Space Flight!!